Neurodiversity and Social Behaviours: When Good Teams Go Bad

Examine how differences in cognitive and emotional factors are manifest in terms of social behaviours in organisations
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Nick McGuire
Disruptor: Professor Nick McGuire
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Collaborative forum description

Although humans have evolved over millions of years to be basically similar in cognitive structures, we are hugely diverse in factors such as temperament, physical attributes and cognitive processing. Some of those differences are associated with diversity in terms of the way our brains are wired; some are around how sensitive we are to emotional stimuli.

During this forum we will examine how differences in cognitive and emotional factors are manifest in terms of social behaviours in organisations, in other words how do we treat each other when we work in teams, and how can we improve those behaviours knowing a little about how our minds work.

We can consider how threat perception affects the decisions made in team contexts, and how to develop resilience enabling better quality decisions to be made.

Collaborative forum outcomes

Content and learning styles

The forum will combine academic and industry examples with unique

insights and thought-provoking presentations to stimulate in-depth

discussions. Peer learning is a big part of the day and you will be given

every opportunity to share ideas and learn not only from the speaker

but also from others in the group.

The forum will cover the following topics:
