Organisational Resilience

This forum gives you a simple framework to reappraise your priorities, culture and ways of working, so they are fit for purpose for these turbulent times
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Collaborative forum description

Drawing on the psychology of change, design thinking and agile culture, this webinar for business leaders gives you a simple framework to reappraise your priorities, culture and ways of working, so they are fit for purpose for these turbulent times. Don’t miss the opportunity to rebound out of this period stronger and with greater resilience.

Confidently cross the liminal space between what has been to what will be.

Collaborative forum outcomes

Content and learning styles

This participatory session engages delegates to share insights through collaborative learning. Actionable insights and ideas to inform your new strategy playbook are generated through real-time research, breakout groups, and playback sessions.  Results will be revealed instantly in the session using social technology.

Participants will leave the forum with:

Does this forum seem to meet your organisational or personal needs? We can arrange it for you, or something like it tailored to your requirements.   Contact us