The Power of Diverse Voices

Inclusivity Report

Back in March Emerald Publishing commissioned a survey, where they asked a number of questions relating to whether we could be an inclusive society in line with the United Nations sustainable development goals by 2030. They asked questions around what inclusivity means to people, what the current issues are in preventing us living and working in an inclusive society, and what part research can play in creating a more inclusive world.

1,055 people participated in the survey across 200 countries. Emerald also gathered the opinions of 1,000 members of the general public in both the UK and North America.

Emerald have also gathered the thoughts of experts in their fields, to share their views on some of the issues highlighted in the report.

Currently you can find blogs, podcasts and a host of free content linking to racial discrimination, one of the biggest factors preventing us living and working in an inclusive world.  Find out more here.


Emerald publishing publishes social science research that tackles key societal challenges related to technology, business and people. Featured research is created by academics who are collaborating across disciplines, and with industry and government, to make a difference to policy, practice and the public.


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