Insights – Employee Engagement

Employee motivation

The difference between motivation and engagement

Is is critical that we listen to employees, get feedback and take action.  Positive engagement and motivation leads to an empowered, supportive and enthusiastic workforce.

Difference between motivation and personality

There is a difference between imposed negativity and adversity. Difficulties can become a driving force and give energy for the task in hand

Motivational challenges resulting from CoVid-19

It may be that we made some really bad decisions at the start of the crisis. There is a differentiation between those staff that worked through and those that have been furloughed.

Motivational challenges that exist currently

Obstacles create opportunities, but need to move from fragile to agile.  Maybe VUCA stands for Vibrant, Unreal, Crazy and Astonishing

What do we see as a result of motivation

Low motivation leads to 16 times lower productivity, dispersed decisions making and poor customer service.

Questions we should be asking ourselves


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