Get ahead as a NED

With organisations facing the most complicated and fast changing environment in history the role of Non-Executive Director has never been more important, or a more valuable resource to the board.
Paul Bennett
Disruptor: Paul Bennett
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Collaborative forum description

In this forum we challenge you to contemplate your obligations to monitor and evaluate the directors, with whom you will share legal responsibilities and consider how you can illuminate a path of decision making and action that will benefit the longer-term health of the organisation.

As a dynamic NED you can become more than an independent voice bringing a breadth of experience and strong views to influence decision making.  As a dynamic NED you can offer expertise and valuable insights that will help the board to deliver its strategic imperatives.  Your insights can help the executive team see patterns instead of complexity. 

As a dynamic NED you will see around corners, cast a light on where a path of action will lead and accurately evaluate obstacles to explain to the board where their decisions may face resistance.

Key learning outcomes

Content and learning styles

The session will combine research findings with unique insights and thought provoking presentations to stimulate in-depth discussions.

Peer learning is a big part of the day and you will be given every opportunity to share ideas and learn not only from the speaker but also, from others in the group.

The session will include practical group work to benchmark current practices within your organisation.  

Speaker profile: Adrian Fry

Adrian earned his MBA from Southampton Business School in 2017…
