Steve Jones

Steve Jones

Meet Steve

Steve Jones is a well -known business coach, public speaker, trainer and consultant. Steve is an expert at creating ideas and strategies that build businesses, drive revenue and improve business position & performance. He has a passion for making companies and their products the best in their product category.

Steve’s unique understanding of leadership and management, team building and motivation in business, coupled with his understanding, drive and enthusiasm, clearly set him aside as an expert.


Steve gained his knowledge and expertise firstly by being part of the management team of one of the UK’s most phenomenal business success stories.


Steve was part of a management team at Fitness First PLC, which went from a handful of health clubs on the south coast to become the largest Health Club Chain in Europe and then the world, taking the AIM and FTSE by storm, all in a seven year period. Steve freely admits: ‘one of the keys to our success was putting together robust systems and teams fast!’

Steve followed this by joining International Coaching Giants, Shirlaws International – specialist in SME Coaching – again a company that had an amazing success story, before setting up his company, Skills for Business Training in 2002, where his main focus has been helping businesses and teams strategically grow.

Steve is qualified to the highest level, being a Licentiate Fellow of the Institute of Training and Occupational Learning – a qualification afforded to the few – a master ‘train the trainer’ in NLP, a master licensee for ‘Motivational Maps’, Thomas International DISC Profiler, an accredited trainer in ‘Performance Coaching’ with Newcastle College, and accredited in ‘Leading & Developing High Performance’ programmes. Steve also holds the ‘Diploma in Management Studies’ (DMS) graduating from ‘Henley Management College’ recently voted in the top ten management colleges in the world.

More recently Steve has been invited onto the Government’s Employee Engagement Task Force team where he is now co-chair and has been contributing his knowledge in the areas of team building, motivation and performance improvement, whilst at the same time running a series of workshops for Grant Thornton’s Growth Accelerator Programme.

Steve has also written two books:

‘Turning on Your P.R.O.F.I.T.S. Tap’ showing business owners how to create revenue and profit in their business.

‘Mapping Motivation for Engagement’ which he has co-written with James Sale, the founder of Motivational Maps Ltd.

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