Diversity Dialogues

Bringing experts and thought leaders together to explore the latest critical thinking on how to build a more inclusive society in the face of the current real-world challenges
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Dynamic forum description

It feels like we have reached a watershed moment in the diversity and inclusion journey. The subject is in the mainstream and across the world and we are seeing significant questioning of why things have been so slow to change. And with the pandemic leading to a rise in issues such as domestic violence and with D&I spend deemed as discretionary, what actions should be taken to really embed structural change into the world of work?

During this dynamic workshop, questions as to the current reality will be sought and ideas and assumptions will be explored as to what the new equality normal might look like. No one has all the answers, but maybe we can at least find the latest questions that need to be understood. Peer learning is a big part of the session and you will be given every opportunity to share ideas and learn from others in the group.

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