Evolution of Leadership

In this forum we will explore what has gone before, to discover which core skills and behaviours are still relevant and as effective today as they were in the past.



Collaborative forum description

‘If you internet search the word ‘leadership’ you will be offered 2.63 billion results. You will find endless theories, leadership styles, traits, skills and methodologies mentioned; authentic, autocratic, coercive, charismatic, democratic, distributed, heroic, servant, situational, strengths based, transformational, transactional and psychopathic (not all psychopathic traits are bad) etc. This list is by no means exhaustive.

In this forum we will explore what has gone before, to discover which core skills and behaviours are still relevant and as effective today as they were in the past.

We will also investigate which new and adapted skills and behaviours will be required to be effective in a leadership role now and into the future. Leaders still need to make decisions, motivate and inspire others to take action and ultimately lead the successful execution of strategic imperatives.

Cybernetics informs us that the element in the system that is the most adaptive and flexible will run the system. Leaders will need to adapt to be successful in the future.

Collaborative forum outcomes

Content and learning styles

This forum will combine personal insights and real-life experiences to stimulate in-depth discussions. 

Peer learning is a big part of the afternoon and you will be given every opportunity to share ideas  and learn from others in the group as well as the speakers.

The forum will cover the following topics:
