I am a customer, not a number

In the face of growing competition, scarce resources, increased volatility and more demanding customers, business leaders are striving to increase profitability by finding new sources of competitive advantage.
Disruptor: Adrian Fry
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Collaborative forum description

In the face of growing competition, scarce resources, increased volatility and more demanding customers, business leaders are striving to increase profitability by finding new sources of competitive advantage. 

Leaders know that commoditisation of products, services and technologies is opening the way for new, adaptive competitors to easily enter established and new markets.

Delivering a unique digital customer experience can provide a sustainable advantage that drives superior profitability and growth. Attracting and retaining customers in the fast-moving technology driven world may require a fundamental, enterprise-wide shift in thinking. It may also require a differentiated customer engagement strategy and a reorientation of  value propositions.  Successful customer centric organisations realise that they need to realign  their effort around the customer. This forum will explore how in a digital age, organisations can create great customer experiences, driven by the right culture, strategies and behaviours. 

Key learning outcomes

Content and learning styles

The session will combine research findings with unique insights and thought provoking presentations to stimulate in-depth discussions.

Peer learning is a big part of the day and you will be given every opportunity to share ideas and learn not only from the speaker but also, from others in the group.

The session will include practical group work to benchmark current practices within your organisation.  

Speaker profile: Adrian Fry

With 20 years in Hi-Tech companies from start-ups to MNE’s, across multiple disciplines and technologies, Adrian works on next generation products in fast paced high pressure environments with an aim to change the way we work, live, play and learn. 

Previously Adrian was leading cutting edge technology development and application at Cisco in the Collaboration and Video Broadcast departments and 7 years building IFE for Airlines with a focus on the user experience.

Adrian has a focus on building high performing customer interfaces, effective communication tools that enable more creative and expressive customer engagement.

Enabling us to enjoy the advantages of work from anywhere, anytime with anyone and everyone!  

Full of energy and gadgets, this forum will be entertaining, informative and engaging with a guaranteed twist or two.  
