Imagining Future Enterprise

Exploring the question: "How to motivate staff returning to work after lockdown"
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Dynamic forum description

Everyone says that the future of work is changing.  Everyone says that Covid-19 is changing the world of work for ever.  But what does this really mean for people?  For employees, for employers, for policy makers, for the next generation and the skills and experiences they need?  Will the rise of a socially responsibility focused generation change how companies think about their people and how they are rewarded?  With more blurring of boundaries between work and life drive more people towards the gig economy or has the harsh reality of a pandemic meant that security in work is now key?  How will our cities and towns deal with changes in personal and public transport and the reduction in normal office life?  No one has a crystal ball so how do we go about planning for the longer term when so much is unknown?  And in a knowledge centric workforce, how is that knowledge retained and leveraged across organisations?
In this dynamic session we will explore what is happening right now in the world of work and look to imagine what future enterprise might look like.

Dynamic forum outcomes

Dialogue ground rules

  • Even weird, way-out ideas
  • Even confusing ideas
  • Especially silly ideas
  • We won’t evaluate each other’s ideas
  • We won’t censor our own ideas
  • We’ll save these ideas for later discussion
  • before it starts,
  • or after it ends
  • but not while it’s underway