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Peer forum description
Working in IT at a senior level demands an acute awareness of the changing technological, legal and social environment. In this Peer Forum we will discover some concerns and forward thinking from the group, prompted by a few themes from recent tech news. We’ll agree together the relative importance of each offering and then proceed into a dialogue to explore their impacts. We’ll also make time to bring up issues arising in our daily work so that other members can suggest solutions which have worked for them. In this way, we’ll engage with our peers, share anecdotes and prepare ourselves for an uncertain future.
In line with feedback we receive, another event will be scheduled in the coming weeks and with the same core membership.
Peer forum outcomes
- Clarified the topic to INITIATE useful dialogue about critical technology market issues that impact organisations heavily invested in IT
- Explored the hard questions, challenging prior knowledge and mental models to INTERPRET the issues being addressed
- Facilitated group dialogue to INFLUENCE what needs to change in response to the issue
- Examining the IT capabilities that organisations may need to IMPLEMENT actions resulting from the dialogue
Dialogue ground rules
- Even weird, way-out ideas
- Even confusing ideas
- Especially silly ideas
- We won’t evaluate each other’s ideas
- We won’t censor our own ideas
- We’ll save these ideas for later discussion
- before it starts,
- or after it ends
- but not while it’s underway