Own your motivation, own your future

Motivation is a word often used but seldom understood and remains to this day one of the biggest challenges both personally and professionally. We will be exploring how to engage your motivations and those of your colleagues, in a dynamic and positive way.
Does this forum seem to meet your organisational or personal needs? We can arrange it for you, or something like it tailored to your requirements.   Contact us

Collaborative forum description

Unlock the secret to motivation

Motivation is a word often used but seldom understood and remains to this day one of the biggest challenges both personally and professionally.

In these difficult times it’s important to remain highly motivated yourself and to understand the motivations of your colleagues so you can support one another through these uncertain times.

If you are highly motivated you are more likely to own your future and enjoy your work.

We will be exploring how to engage your motivations and those of your colleagues, in a dynamic and positive way.

Collaborative forum outcomes

Content and learning styles

The forum will combine personal insights and real-life experiences to stimulate in-depth discussions. 

Collective learning is a big part of the forum and you will be given every opportunity to share ideas and learn from the speaker as well as from others in the group.

The forum will cover the following topics:
