Reimagining Strategy

The pandemic has exposed many faults in the business world and one of those is how strategy is used.
Does this forum seem to meet your organisational or personal needs? We can arrange it for you, or something like it tailored to your requirements.   Contact us

Collaborative forum description

Strategy has for some time been perceived as a concept, devoid of the day to day challenges of the business and the stakeholders upon which the success of the business depends.

Reimagining strategy takes into account that strategy is, first and foremost, a leadership tool and not, as it often thought, a function or activity. It is part of the tool kit which every Board member and senior manager should be equipped with, knowing not only how to develop strategy but also how to ensure its successful implementation.

This session will demonstrate that creating purpose, setting goals and choosing strategies that are relevant, customer focused, fact based and in the context of market reality, ensures every employee is engaged and able to contribute to the achievement of the goals.

It will also seek to demonstrate the value of strategy in developing agility, resilience and a strategic mindset within the organisation to identify opportunities and manage risk, build stakeholder engagement and stress testing your business to survive, revive and thrive in the future.

This 4iforum will be facilitated by Dr Jeff Callander

Dr Callander is an adjunct professor at the Southampton Business School, University of Southampton and a Programme Director and Executive Fellow at the Henley Business School teaching executives while a full time consultant. Jeff does research in Strategy Development and Implementation and Behavioural Strategy.

Content and learning styles

The forum will combine personal insights and real-life experiences to stimulate in-depth discussions. 

Collective learning is a big part of the forum and you will be given every opportunity to share ideas and learn from the speaker as well as from others in the group.
