Symposium – Artificial Intelligence and its impact

As with all major technological revolutions, such advancements bring with them unexpected opportunities and challenges for society with a need to consider the ethical, accountability and diversity impacts.
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Keynote Address

Co-chair of the UK Government’s review on Artificial Intelligence. Regius Professor Dame Wendy Hall will discuss the future of AI and its ethical, economic and social implications in her keynote address. Artificial Intelligence is set to transform society in the coming decades in ways that have long been predicted by science fiction writers but are only now becoming feasible.

While AI is still a long way from being as powerful as the human brain, many machines can now outperform human beings, particularly when it comes to analysing large amounts of data. This will lead to many jobs being replaced by automated and processes and machines. As with all major technological revolutions, such advancements bring with it unexpected opportunities and challenges for society with a need to consider the ethcial, accountability and diversity impacts.

Speaker Bio

Dame Wendy Hall, DBE, FRS, FREng is Regius Professor of Computer Science, Associate Vice President (International Engagement) and is an Executive Director of the Web Science Institute at the University of Southampton. She became a Dame Commander of the British Empire in the 2009 UK New Year’s Honours list, and is a Fellow of the Royal Society and the Royal Academy of Engineering. Dame Wendy was co-Chair of the UK government’s AI Review, which was published in October 2017, and is the first Skills Champion for AI in the UK. In May 2020, she was appointed as Chair of the Ada Lovelace Institute.

Dialogue sparks

The keynote address is followed by short disruptive dialogue sessions that looks to discover how this change might affect different areas of the workplace

Paul Bennett & what AI means for leadership in 2021 and beyond

Steve Jones & what AI means for individuals as they think about their careers

James Valentine & how technology needs to adapt to ensure AI is ethically led

Carrie Foster & how organisations need to adjust practices when machines make decisions

Coming soon

The 4iforum Showcase

The 4i Showcase Event aims to uncover new thinking about a major emerging change in the world of work

It aims to bring all supporters and patrons of the 4i forum together to learn from, question, and engage with a world renowned leader in that field
