The Aftermath: Living in a post-lockdown hybrid world

This forum explores the aftermath and how to live… and more importantly, thrive, in a post-lockdown hybrid world.
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Dynamic forum description

Working from home and working in the office. Online virtual services and in-person access. Lifting of restrictions and continuing guidance. Back to school and Google Classroom. Coming back together and social distancing. Shared experience and increasing nationalism. Vaccine roll-out and lack of access to supplies. Britain open for business and Brexit. Black Lives Matter and growing racist and xenophobic violence. Mental health awareness and mental illness being the most neglected health problem. NHS heroes and waiting lists at a record high. Supporting local businesses and the death of the high street.

The character of the business landscape has never been more mixed up and organisations are facing the impact of so many factors combining. The consequences of the pandemic will be felt for many years to come but how can we best navigate the aftermath?

This forum explores the aftermath and how to live… and more importantly, thrive, in a post-lockdown hybrid world.

Dynamic forum outcomes

Content and learning styles

The forum will combine personal insights and real-life experiences to stimulate in-depth discussions. 

Collective learning is a big part of the forum and you will be given every opportunity to share ideas and learn from the speaker as well as from others in the group.

The forum will cover the following topics:
