Thinking Masterclass

Surf the edge of chaos and experience discomfort in a safe space to go beyond the immediate business reality and disrupt the status quo. Open up issues and problems you haven't even thought of yet and deeply probe your thinking to discover the questions you should be asking.
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Thought forum description

Surf the edge of chaos and experience discomfort in a safe forum where meaningful senior level dialogue will lead to the development of strategies to deal with the immediate business reality and disrupt the status quo.

If you don’t question yourself, who will question you?

The thought forum is designed to challenge your thinking in a robust facilitated environment, surrounded by fellow senior peers. It’s an opportunity to influence future thinking and energise others, as well as yourself for forward momentum.

Thought forum outcomes

Dialogue ground rules

  • Even weird, way-out ideas
  • Even confusing ideas
  • Especially silly ideas
  • We won’t evaluate each other’s ideas
  • We won’t censor our own ideas
  • We’ll save these ideas for later discussion
  • before it starts,
  • or after it ends
  • but not while it’s underway