Current leadership thinking
- Principles of trust, delegation, humility and accepting our own ignorance
- Have to unlearn things when you become a leader
- Personal motivations and situations
- Perspectives based on known reality
- Job or purpose?
Experience is a key principle in guiding your leadership style
The current leadership environment
- Need for humility and being personable
- Emotional intelligence
- Empathy - based on what we are going through
- Trust is implicit but loss of trust damages leadership brand
- How do we fairly manage someone's performance
- Holistic perspective needed - whole person and their families considered
Need to think about the vulnerability of the individual team members and to put ourselves into the shoes of the individual. Need open and honest conversations, because it is very frightening for team members.
Leadership 2021
- How can we learn from this pandemic so we can be better prepared next time?
- Will we actually have jobs?
- How fluid will leadership roles be in the future?
- How does the way team behaviours emerge from lockdown inform us going forward?
Questions to ask senior leaders
- What is the real cost of making a blanket judgement to cut 20% of our staff?
- How do we negate the 20% cost with increased productivity to lessen the need to cut staff?
- What characteristics are we going to look for in future leaders?
- How do we get realistic/serious about measuring the outcomes that we achieve?