Our vision

Our vision

4iforum provides uncompromising, impactful and innovative collective learning. We support leaders to discover new insights and think differently about how to tackle emerging and enduring challenges

4iforum developed from a desire to find an effective response to the organisational world being turned upside down.

Normal strategic processes are focused on responding to the environment of tomorrow.  But what if you can’t see what the future holds? 

How do you develop a strategic response when you don’t know what you don’t know? 

Our objective is to radically improve our ability to think differently, helping to create momentum as a result of experimenting through communication and the transformative power of the collective mind.

We design collective learning that slows down the thinking process, bringing a radical transformation in problem solving and decision making. 

4iforum is designed to be a safe space where you can suspend judgment, reflect back group assumptions and unspoken implications being expressed without the need to defend positions.

Our interventions are designed to go beyond discussing problems to find a solution. Quite frankly you wouldn’t be a business leaders if you didn’t know how to do that. What we offer is an opportunity for leaders to think about the way they think about problems. To think things that will surprise you, and that you have not said out loud before. 

Engaging with 4iforum will change you and you will emerge with a new sense of the situation and an awareness of what is not yet visible.

This will give momentum to the change your organisation needs.


The 4i Way

We offer no predetermined outcomes which allows for important issues to surface which may go undiscovered in agenda-based meetings. 4iforum provides the framework that creates the space for new thinking to occur. We aim to develop an environment of trust where our members can open a door to new views of reality, uncover assumptions and have the opportunity to ask questions for additional insight.

Divesting of politeness and routines, members will recognise the need for agile thinking. Together we will seek information to learn powerful ideas and consider multiple alternatives to create different perspectives of what the reality of the situation could be.

Providing the energy to break open and debate with others, eliciting contributions, revealing feelings, surfacing assumptions and co-creating ideas. The use of collective intelligence leads to understanding which can reveal alternative realities.

Finding memorable ideas to promote mindset shifts and remove barriers, members will be able to suspend and interrupt current routines and habits. Coming together in dialogue will build relationships and influence others as to the rationale for change.

Profound silence and generative dialogue will lead to new insights and wisdom. This opens up the pathway to delivering breakthrough solutions and agile strategies. Empowering leaders to become the change the organisation is looking for and creating a new imagined reality.

Our guiding principles

4i forum aims to release an enormous amount of untapped energy through collective thinking, to disrupt business as usual.

  • Meaning and purpose in all we do
  • Significant and important work
  • Making a difference
  • Change and variety
  • Seek opportunities to learn and grow
  • Be and Become specialists in areas of interest
  • Seek opportunities to share expertise
  • Seek out other experts to help our quest
  • Seek environments with change and variety
  • Seek opportunity to solve problems
  • Pride ourselves in being original
  • Always creating new/improved ways of working

Find out more about what makes 4iforum different and what you can expect

Everyone benefits from businesses succeeding

The more support we receive from our partners, the more forums we can schedule, and the more seats we can give away to people and organisations who really need them.

4iforum developed from a desire to find an effective response to the organisational world being turned upside down.

We invite you to take part. Help others as you help yourself. We believe that our economy will only be as strong as the weakest link, so if we help each other, we’ll recover sooner. Everyone benefits from businesses succeeding, and together, we can make sense of the chaos, opens up opportunities for radical thinking and beyond what is known to find a way to stride forward with purpose.

Vail Williams

Vail Williams

Leading property agents offering a host of real estate services in the south of England and the Midlands.

Metis CE

Metis CE

Main sponsor of the 4iforum community. Accelerated learning for business leaders



Woman of Many Businesses

Skills for Business Training

Skills for Business Training

Offers a selection of training courses and programmes designed to take your team to the next level



Kohera's mission: To work with great people to create and scale excellent business software.

Moonshot Consultancy

Moonshot Consultancy

Passionate about helping organisations to develop and enabling all their employees to contribute.