What we do

Create space to explore the right questions

4iforum has an interconnected ecosystem to help you deal with challenges in business

We started 4iforum in April 2020, as a direct response to the pandemic.

The business world was in turmoil and the challenges that many industries and sectors were facing were unprecedented. That included our own businesses and all of the hopes and dreams that come with it.

As a team, we felt we had a wide range of senior leadership and practical organisational experience and we were keen to see if there was a way of channelling our skills, knowledge and values to help others deal with those challenges.

Not by providing them with the answers but by creating a space for them to explore the right questions. Our prime goal is to find new ways to help businesses, organisations and individuals succeed.

Intimately connected

Our ecosystem is interconnected and constantly evolving as we respond to emerging challenges. This is where we are on our journey.

We run dialogic forums to help people with their thinking.

We run 3 or 4 a month, covering both emerging thinking and enduring themes in the world of business. 

Once a quarter we host Symposia with key notes from world leading experts.  

Our forums and symposia are sponsored by patrons and supporters and we offer sponsored seats for anyone in the world wishing to attend.

We have had attendees from Australia, India, Saudi Arabia, Texas, New Jersey, across the UK, even Wrexham(!).

We’ve welcomed business leaders, aspiring entrepreneurs, thought-leaders, employee advocates, techies, non-techies, academics, people in pyjamas, people with their cats, pretty much the diversity of human form on a Zoom call.

And every time, people have gained fresh ideas having had time to practise their thinking.

We’ve created a capability that connects business with academia.

We believe that a wealth of ground-breaking thought-leadership within our universities does not find its way to where it is most needed.

The 4iforum Research Accelerator builds better bridges between academics and business leaders; gets  ground-breaking research ‘out there’; and quickly delivers feedback from business on the problems which urgently need solving.

We are looking for partners to join our Accelerator.

Our goal is to enable a much stronger connection within company boards of the future.

We think that fresh perspectives on the traditional needs of board directors and the emerging thinking that comes from our forums and accelerator, can prepare existing and aspiring board members to shape better corporate outcomes for the future.

Therefore, we have created the 4iforum Non-Executive Director programme.

Research and experience shows that transformative organisational change often fails to deliver the desired outcomes.

Poor or inadequate organisational transformation can have a significant and long-term impact on performance and profitability.

At 4iforum we evolve the narrative in organisations, to develop transformative mindsets and improve decision making, by opening up collaboration and knowledge sharing to generate new perspectives and insights.

Our inquiry-led approach to problem solving help people BE the change the organisation is looking for, which in turn generates measurable ROI.

If you’re serious about addressing the challenges and maximising the opportunities in your business, speak to our team today to discuss a tailored programme.

Find out more about what makes 4iforum different and what you can expect

Our patrons

Our corporate patrons create success for their own organisation and beyond, by collaborating with 4iforum. Join them for a more positive and productive future.

Vail Williams

Vail Williams

Leading property agents offering a host of real estate services in the south of England and the Midlands.

Metis CE

Metis CE

Main sponsor of the 4iforum community. Accelerated learning for business leaders



Woman of Many Businesses

Skills for Business Training

Skills for Business Training

Offers a selection of training courses and programmes designed to take your team to the next level



Kohera's mission: To work with great people to create and scale excellent business software.

Moonshot Consultancy

Moonshot Consultancy

Passionate about helping organisations to develop and enabling all their employees to contribute.